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Last Entry~
Monday, October 26, 2009 at 5:32 PM

*deep breath*

Well, this is the last post, I guess.
Gonna post something for the heck of it, haha. ;)

Well, it's possible I'm gonna create another blog, but I'm for sure not gonna use my past blogs back.

I need to see something new, something different.

I just need to(:

I actually had a bunch of posts to, well, post.
They're all in my phone, but it looks like there is no need to anymore~ (:

Oh, & might consider quitting smoking.
I just don't feel the need or desire to smoke anymore.

It's kinda actually harder for me to smoke now.

Oh yeah, I've regain certain lost memories.
I recovered it a day or two ago.
Well, it's something about 'PURPOSE' & the person I was before meeting her.

I know I was completely different way back then.
I just wanna thank her (even if she doesn't know it) & I'm glad I met her.
Though memories with here maybe short & vague, I still treasure it very much.

Yes, I haven't talk or met her for a very long time.
It may be awhile more 'till I meet her, but it's okay(:
She changed me drastically but I'm grateful.
She made me realized who I am.

I had a certain direction & purpose after getting to know her.
Whatever words I said to her before, I meant it.
It's not just sweet nothings.

I still hope we'll be friends even though we might not meet for a long while.
I hope you're doing well, girl.

Good luck to all your life's 'endeavour' & journey.
Now that I remember this memory, I remember too the goal I had before I met her.
I'm going to chase that dream & accomplish the goal.

... (:

Well, yeah, I got a new list of things to do now.
So I'm gonna try do all that.

After today, there might be a sudden change in me.
But it's for the better. I won't be back like how I was.
Nothing will make me change, it's my decision that will make me.

Just wanna say that, because some people say, well, 'things' change a person.
Well, no, it doesn't. At least not for me.
She may have changed me, but that was then.
We were kids. & I treasure that.

We'll hang out someday, maybe over coffee or something, haha.
Or just do the things we do ;)

It was hard leaving, but past is past.
It can't keep chasing the future or present.

Well, I guess there's nothing left to say, no?


Dream as you live, live as you dream.
But don't forget, the reality & memories you wield.
For if you did, someone, somewhere, is hurt.

This is my last entry, goodbye..
..and take care~

listen, to my heart-keys..

it's been a long while..
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 4:08 PM

hey ho~
it's been quite a long while since i blogged, hehh.

well, i dont know what i wanna say actually.
maybe just testin' how th blog works.

i probably forgot how it works anyway.

will change th skin & stuff soon(:

see ya soon~

& oh, i just wann say one more thin'.

if you do feel for a person & you wann th person to feel th same,
sometimes, you just gotta make th person feel needed.

thats all(:

listen, to my heart-keys..

another 'lemon', another story.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 9:06 AM

mehhhhhhhhhh! guess what?
i discovered another 'LEMON'!

just th same, LOVES TO LIE &&
just as pretty, LOL!


i dont know why they like to lie so much.
but for one thin', i get attracted to 'em easily - LOL!

its like, GHAST LA!
hahahhaa! :'DD

listen, to my heart-keys..

th hot chick in blue, ol' school~
at 7:54 AM

i just remembered.

it was about last year, i think.
cant remember exactly when.

i was sittin', talkin' to my friend(?).
then behind my friend, i saw this one person.
a chick wearin' a pale blue (tank)top, with sweater over it, i think.
sportin' bermudas 'nd shades, hair tyed in a ponytail, i think.
or maybe just untied medium hair.

at first, i thought some hawt chick in her twenties,
but then suddenly she walked towards me 'nd held out her hand.

i was like, "OMFG! who th heck-".
that is, until she took off her shades, then i was like, "chehhhh.", hahahaa.

pretty she is, but never thought she would looked like that, haha.


at tht moment, i was sayin' "elehh, i thought who. you look- nevermind."
as i halted my sentence, she pestered me for what i was gonna say.
later online, she did too.

but i just made up somethin' to cover up(:
until now she doesnt know what i was gonna say.
of course im nawt gonna tell her.
because if i tell her, she would- .

think im gonna say? no wayy, hahahaa.

anyways, i would like to see tht chick again.
to be honest, i miss her~
BUT, i rather she just dont change.


well, gotta go.
i was bored, that's why th post :'D

well, take care!

listen, to my heart-keys..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 5:00 PM

Do you ever think you made the wrong decision?
Do you wonder if you ever should have stayed with me?
'Cause just trying to live a life, can be unpredictable

And it's unpredictable..

losin' you was more than just losin' someone.
losin' you was losin' my purpose.

'nd now, i'm just driftin' 'till i find my purpose again...


listen, to my heart-keys..

th beauty by th destruction.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 7:16 PM

for i am a destroyer;
for a thrill, i kill.
for i cannot be th creator;
for i cannot salvage what has age.

one word - name.

listen, to my heart-keys..

trust thrusted with betrayal.
Friday, August 14, 2009 at 5:08 PM

listenin' to th voices,
from behind those wall.
'em denyin' choices,
tellin' me to take my fall.

what? YOU tryin' to talk to me about TRUST?!

listen to yourself speak!

YOU made me LOSE that in you.
& now you sayin' its me who's untrustworthy?

im really gonna smack your head, if nawt HACK!
i wouldnt want to bother with "these" if you had just speak your mind!
did you even know what i was? -NO.

now im different, you say all those stuff.
whose mouth now was it tht said "friends dont forget friends", huh?

i dont really care about anythin', but its just bein' friends - was tht wrong??

yeah, thats what you used to say to me all th time.
now i'll say it BACK TO YOU.


just go bitch with your friends.
im nt needed anyway.


listen, to my heart-keys..